Now here's a topic that will arouse a disCUSSion in the shop

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Tuesday, March 29, 2016, 22:04 (3099 days ago) @ Gary G

if ever there was one. People have all sorts of theories as to why but I think the simple truth is that fear and new shooters have generated demand way beyond what was normal in years most of us can remember (with fondness). Nostalgia won't put ammo in the range box we need to adapt.

OUR shop is able to keep a supply generally but not of what we want but of whatever we can find available. We don't turn down ANY rimfire ammo from the distributors. We don't quibble on price. They have it and are willing to sell it to us we take it and we ask for it every single day. We do not have cases and cases though, we MIGHT get a case of one load in any shipment. BIG improvement though, there were times when we got a single 50-round box, I kid you not. ONE 50-round box. We do not have a limit but we do sometimes try to accumulate some special product, such as the Christmas packs for Christmas shoppers or Troy Landry CCI stuff for when he came to a local show (some folks expressed a desire to buy boxes for him to sign). "Bricks" sell for $29.99 to $69.99 depending on what it is (e.g. Stingers are big in demand and seldom come in so get a premium price). We have ammo because we charge enough to discourage the speculators who are STILL making money off their WalMart supplier...

This time of year the match ammo starts to sell and choices are somewhat limited. Last season several of us bought some by the case just because it was available and because some guns just don't do as well with any given lot but very well with others there's been a LOT of trading going on since then. Some guys don't think they have enough for their season but they shoot 3-4 matches a month and practice with their match ammo and so go through a lot of it.

The perception of our local/repeat customers is that the shortage is easing but those who are visiting or passing through and stop are often astonished that we have .22 LR and especially that we have .22 WRM.



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