It will be very interesting....

by Brian A, Thursday, March 17, 2016, 19:44 (3112 days ago) @ ~JM~

As I understand it, CJM is correct, the national party and states have different rules for delegates and I believe the state rules take precedent in a contested convention. That being said, it will be very interesting to see what happens since there are several candidates with suspended campaigns holding onto their delegates so far. Per the rules, some of those will be automatically released and cannot be obligated to vote as their candidate wishes. There will be a fair amount of deal making going on among the candidates prior to the convention regarding those delegates and if they will be released, committed to another candidate, or held onto.

If Trump or Cruz do not achieve a majority before the convention, but do maintain sufficient lead to hold off the others, it will be most interesting. If the party decided to do something really underhanded, I could see Cruz and Trump joining forces and forcing the issue with an overwhelming number of delegates. Could be a real wild time in Cleveland, not to mention I am sure the progressives will be out in force protesting the whole thing. Cleveland is home to a couple districts that experienced voting irregularities in the last couple presidential elections, such as having more votes than registered voters and vote counts of 100% for the Democrats with no one else receiving even a single vote.

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