Remember who is really running the country...

by Byron, Wednesday, March 16, 2016, 09:28 (3113 days ago) @ ~JM~

Although elections are an important part of this process, one must always remember that the ones that actually run the government are non-elected civil servants that are only partially controllable by the people we elect.

Congress passes legislation and the president enforces it but the tools of that enforcement are in the hands of the bureaucrats. The elected officials are here briefly but the “real” government is eternal.

Whether your guy gets picked or not it will be business as usual on most of the major issues. He or she may find something to focus on but by and large things will not change. A Wall? Unlikely. Deportation of all immigrants? Illegal and economically devastating. Free college for all? Nothing but talk.

Look for Trump to moderate his message after the nomination when he needs moderate votes. Hillary will become more centralist as well and if elected will pursue her personal "Clinton" agenda that have little to do with running the country.

Regardless of political affiliation, one must admit that we are poorly served.


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