Talk to me about your fav .32s...

by JD, Western Washington, Friday, March 11, 2016, 00:17 (3118 days ago) @ Bryan Pettet
edited by JD, Friday, March 11, 2016, 01:37

For 32-20 rifles I have a mint condition Remington 25R carbine that's smaller than most 22's, a Browning medel 53, an original Winchester 92 takedown rifle, and a Savage 23B with vintage straight tube Wollensak scope.

Handguns there is a 4 inch S&W model 16 in 32 H&R, a Ruger Bisley in 32 H&R, a 5.5 inch Ruger Single Six 32 H&R, a 4.625 inch Ruger Single Six in 32 H&R, a Freedom Arms 6 inch model 97 in 32-20 and 32 H&R, a Ruger 5.5 inch Single Seven, and last but not least a Ruger Buckeye in 32-20 and 32 H&R.

I like 32's. They're fun to shoot, accurate, economical, with enough power to be useful. ..

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