Eh, just curious...

by Brian A, Tuesday, March 08, 2016, 21:16 (3121 days ago) @ Bryan Pettet

I do enjoy the challenge of the short barrel guns. Today decided to try out a DAO AMT 380 and pulled off a 25 yard center hit on an 8" steel plate, not too bad for a pocket auto with just a groove down the slide to sight down. Then ran a rack of swinging 2"x4" rectangular steel plates, with a S&W M317 (airweight 3" j-frame) in double action mode, without missing one in spite of a cylinder full of mixed ammo, with two that did not go off the first time, so had to dry fire through the cylinder a second time without knowing which cylinder was going to fire. It was not super rapid fire, took probably about one second per drop of the hammer, but fast enough to be challenging with the heavy double action trigger on such a lightweight revolver.

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