Looking for a 2.5" S&W model 19...

by Brian A, Saturday, March 05, 2016, 03:56 (3124 days ago) @ Bryan Pettet

I understand your desire, took me quite a few years to find a good one. Finally happened on a sheriff deputy's widow at a local gun show selling off all of his guns and wanted them all gone that day. She had a local dealer helping her out, was fully aware of the values she could get for them given more time, but just wanted them gone. Picked up his '72 vintage sheriff dept stamped 2.5" M19 for $250 and it is a honey. Has a little road rash on the cylinder where it was probably dropped, but otherwise has excellent blue, timed perfect and is smooth as glass. It shoots well enough I have used it to head shoot squirrels while out bumming around in the woods. It is very comfortable to carry with the right set-up and accompanies me frequently.

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