I see OTONY asked about Lee Dippers

by Harry O-1, Friday, January 22, 2016, 09:11 (3167 days ago) @ bob

I have the older set and the newer set. The older one is marked in cubic inches. The newer one is marked in cubic centimeters. They are not duplicates of each other. Having both doubles the number of possible scoop sizes you can get. They bottom out at about 2.8gr of Bullseye.

For smaller than that, I also make scoops out of fired .22LR cases. Just bend a 12ga solid electric wire for the handle and solder them together. I scoop whatever powder I want to use (usually Bullseye) into the scale 10 times, then weigh it and divide by 10. If not the amount I want, I shorten it a little bit with a grinder and weigh again. When I get what I want, I mark it on the base. I have several at 1.5gr (32 Short Colt), 2.0gr (32 Long Colt), 2.3gr (32ACP), etc of Bullseye. I have checked a few times and they are very repeatable.

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