The wife LOVES her new 3" J-frame!

by Otony, Thursday, January 07, 2016, 22:27 (3182 days ago)

She says she is more confident about the way it handles, although she isn't giving up her S&W 432 (hammerless J-frame .32 Magnum). She likes, ta-da, both!

I installed a set of checkered Sile grips that closely resemble Herrett Shooting Star stocks, with a filler on the front strap and the rear strap exposed. I'm going to strip the varnish off the Sile set and refinish in some sort of oil. Natalia tends to favor the old Smith "banana" grips, so if I run into a fancy pair of those, the Siles will serve as backup grips.

But the best news of all is the Waller & Sons hammer shroud I received gratis from Michael de Bethencourt. I intend to have Karl Sokol fit that and do an action job at the same time. Also going to a smooth trigger.

The Wallis & Sons hammer shroud is an elegant piece of kit, and while mimicking the lines of a Bodyguard, it does so with a great deal more elegance. I have another saved up for a 3" build of my own!


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