ADT sucks

by Fowler, Wednesday, January 06, 2016, 19:07 (3183 days ago)

Danged buy a new house and they ADT is determined to get me to sign up for their service. Our new land line number has been given to exactly 1 person and somehow they got ahold of it and have called us no less than 30 times! Telling them to not call us, and registering on the no call list has not deterred them so far.

Tonight in the middle of dinner one of their salesmen came to my door! Wow they don't give up, I wouldn't sign up for their service for all of the tea in China! The next time one of them nocks on my door I'll think I'll answer it with a gun in my hand instead of my side under a shirt...

You may not resume your regularly scheduled program but I needed to vent.

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