Our Davidsons sales rep called the shop yesterday.....

by Otony, Tuesday, December 08, 2015, 09:59 (3212 days ago) @ mcassill

....to give us a heads up. They are rapidly selling out of AR platform rifles.

We ordered a dozen, plus a like amount of stripped lowers from another supplier. From the frenzy in the shop yesterday, I'm willing to bet we won't have them long. At one point we had four people simultaneously filling out 4473s, with more waiting for counter space behind them.

Surprisingly (or not, depends on your outlook) there were a LOT of female customers buying small 9mm and .380 pistolinos. Lots of folks inquiring about home defense shotguns as well.

Given the sales numbers reported on Black Friday, and the reactions to the soothing reassurances the Annointed One imparted on Sunday, I imagine the American people are taking it upon themselves to wake up and smell the coffee.

My wife, the lovely Natalia, who has, er, um, had zero situational awareness in her nature, has requested I carry a larger pistol than my previous J-frame. She is also expounding on reaction plans and evacuation routes for our church. She is not by nature a "prepare for the worst" type person, but I believe we will see more mama bear nature amongst the womenfolk soon.


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