Here we go again...

by Big Six, Tuesday, December 08, 2015, 09:51 (3212 days ago) @ mcassill

Speaking of Facebook

I don't use Facebook but saw this on another site:

This was just posted from the sheriff of Stephens County, Oklahoma to Facebook


In the wake of the recent attack on Americans in California, it is evident that we as a nation are under attack by radical Islamic terrorists. These people have vowed under their religion to destroy all who do not follow their beliefs. Radical Islam has openly declared war on us and has vowed to attack us here - on our soil - and they are here with more coming.

These radical Islamic terrorists have promised that more Paris-style attacks are still to come. We do not know when, we do not know where, and we do not know how many will come. We also do not know the style of attack that will be chosen next.

Our county is small in numbers and I feel that we are unlikely to be targeted by these evil people. However, over the last few years the citizens of Stephens County has seen the evil committed by criminals in our communities. As your Sheriff, I encourage all who are LEGALLY, ELIGIBLE, and TRAINED to carry concealed weapons to do so. I do not want any of us to be helpless victims if we should fall under attack.

We may never be able to stop someone from attempting to carry out a violent attack, but we, as armed citizens, can mitigate the damage.

Sheriff Wayne McKinney

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