the Metalurgy will be the deciding factor...

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Tuesday, December 01, 2015, 08:13 (3220 days ago) @ bob

I remember reading an article by some well-known writer that visited the plant that made the point that all the materials, i.e. the metalurgy, were the same, model to model (and one presumes for any given time period of manufacture). It just wasn't cost effective to change as cylinder blanks or barrels could be used for different models as demand required. If I remember correctly this applies to the .380/200 or .38 S&W guns made for India.

I look at every Six-series gun that comes through the shop and I see differences between "eras" but not calibers. Seeing is, of course, not laboratory analysis.



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