Rechambering a revolver.....

by Otony, Monday, November 30, 2015, 18:33 (3220 days ago)

......I recently bought a Ruger Security Six in .357 Death Ray sporting a 4" barrel, and was enchanted with how easily it carries compared to a 4" GP100. That set me to searching the various online auction houses for another as per the theory that "one is none, and two is one".

What I found was rather surprising, the Security Six has held its value as though it were almost comparable to a pre-lock Smith & Wesson. I should emphasize "almost", because obviously a Model 19 will bring more, but the Six series guns are still priced very proudly.

The bargains, if there are any, seem to be the various Six series in .38 Special. Which brings about my question regarding rechambering. Is there any reason to think that the .38 Specials are somehow different in their metallurgy or heat treatment? So, do you think a good condition .38 Special Security Six can be rechambered to .357 without issue?


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