Thinning the herd...

by Byron, Wednesday, October 21, 2015, 16:46 (3260 days ago)

I picked up one of the trail cams last evening that had been out for about a week and showed 167 pictures.

Some of course were the expected raccoons and turkeys as well as a bunch of whitetails.

There were 2 young bucks with silly little basket racks that will never amount o anything and will need to be culled from the local bucks, some of which are really special.

Season is on so the chore at hand will be to handle them within the next couple of weeks before the rut so their genetics are not passed on.

The way my place is laid out it is not so much hunting but going where they are and shooting them. Oh well, someone has to do it.

I will be busy processing these guys this weekend.

The last couple of years we have canned about as much as wrapped and frozen and frankly I just may prefer it to the frozen. The straps are always wrapped in bacon and grilled.


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