.357 Magnum vs barrel length...my results...

by MS @, Southern Michigan, Tuesday, September 29, 2015, 13:42 (3283 days ago) @ Byron

Both the Cor Bon 125JHP and the Federal 130 Hydra Shock loads beat those figures by a bit.

My S&W M340PD w/ 1 7/8" barrel; CorBon 125JHP 1192 fps avg. 5 shots. Hydra Shock 1170fps for 5.

Security Six 2 3/4"; CorBon 125JHP 1235fps. Hydra Shock 130 1205fps.

Not great considering what longer barrels get, but they won't bounce off either.

The Security Six 130 Hydra Shock worked great on a large pitbull/mastiff bad dog. One shot, through the lips and off the side of the teeth, re-entering just inside the shoulder about half way up the body.
Put him on his nose and a few wild twitches later, lights out.

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