LGS morsels of revolver goodness.

by Catoosa, Tuesday, September 29, 2015, 10:01 (3283 days ago) @ MS

The 2 1/2 inch M19 is a niche gun. It fits a particular use, and people either like them or they don't. Speaking for myself, I consider it one of the best carry guns ever built, but you gotta be dedicated to carrying the thing. It's like a full-sized 1911 - not the easiest gun to carry but absolutely awesome if you are willing to go to the trouble to tote it and conceal it. I know if I had front-row tickets to a gunfight, my short M19 would be one of the handguns I would carry, second to my BHP.

Anyone who doesn't have one, ya oughta try it. Good price.

Three-inch J-frames rock too. Good price on that one. They are scarce around here.

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