No receipt .....

by John Meeker @, NW Ohio, Saturday, September 26, 2015, 19:33 (3285 days ago) @ matt/pa

it may be due to an un-updated E-John-mail addy -- 'puters are a tussle for me, and the debris of those invective-laden moments may have gotten loose -- and by neccesity -- changed.

Let me try this: same addy as in above.

Hmmm...Fore Wan nihn Foree threee wan foor won twa three make a rigntone.

My presence is required at a Historic Home Rehab I've been working on since I was born, it seems. At any rate, as was painting outside, on a ladder -- I heard a hair-raising female top-of -the-lungs-scream" "YOU ARE KILLING MY BABY!!!!!!!!"

Turned on the ladder and a witnessed an infant suspended between a woman and someone just inside the doorway. it was difficult to tell who wuz doin' what to whom, except that the baby appeared to vanish into the house, followed by the woman who had screamed, followed by the porch crowd.

Called 911 while still on the ladder, and waited in front yard -- about five minutes for a casual-officer response -- who walked up to me for infor, Tho', i had already told the operator the addy where the ruckus was happening. 'turn in' was not only made public, but had been witnessed -- two and two together -- AND -- of course the mutts are gonna mutter.

Well.....back up the ladder and set to spreading the white oil-base, well-brushed in. About ten minutes later there is a Police, Rescue and BIG ambulance full multi-vehicle convergence on the addy [corner] -- six different vehicles, plus the ones already in front of my house.

Like I said...I know the family, and most of them are good construction and building folks. However, the guy that would have to involved in the actual moment is not my choice of neighbor, nor are his visitors much to my taste. Just happens to be an old family in the town, and some things can be soft-pedalled and overlooked. Guess this situation wasn't just young-love gone loud.

So, off with a with a Chessie, a vest, a bag/case of good stuff, and a radio. I'm not excessivly fond of the property, tho' it is very early and unique construction and I enjoy the discoveries and rewards of restorations -- ordinarily. You see, there is a 'presence' in the house.... probly having to do with the log-joist and river-rock foundation crawl space. It is certainly strongest there. Perhaps a baby or two was buried there in childhood death [not unusual in winter].

However, babies are usually a sweet presence in such houses. THIS is NOT a nice presence. Workmen who have worked alone in the house have brought it up: 'felt funny', 'it was weird', 'didn't like being down there', etc. My dogs have growled at 'nothing' there, and I could sense that there was -- what? Well, my arboreal and mammalian sense knows it is not cuddly, so I'm taking a few good horror stories to read, the while 'til morn.

This is a situation where 30 rds of .22mag has a certain appeal -- on the hip. Garlic and Holy Water dip really ought to be performed first on the slugs. ;~`) At any rate, if yoiu can figure out my crude attempt at 'coda-phones', I'll bd down ther from about 10PM til morn.

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