"Try Again," seems to be the computer 'orders' for the past

by John Meeker @, NW Ohio, Saturday, September 26, 2015, 10:32 (3286 days ago) @ John Meeker

three days.... For some mysterious electronic reason, the Feast woke up this morning in perfect working order, with a crap load of accumulated cyber-shizz to be sorted and re-deleted.

Soooo... now can [cross-flingers] receive actual E- from actual peeples, instead of the outhouse-load of cyber-crap that had piled up.

Ummmm..phone number...it may not be the one you have in possession. My cell is the best bet -- if it is not current with you -- not sure how to put it in y'r hands without posting, so will await y'r experience in these matters.

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