This will not be a mild storm either. I'm thinking it will

by Big Six, Tuesday, September 22, 2015, 12:00 (3290 days ago) @ Hobie

be a series of severe events, each one adding to the accumulation of woes...

I agree 100%.

I am getting kinda long of tooth and am "filling the pantry" for my children and grandchildren.

I suppose, as with all things, there is a practical limit but at this time I cannot see where it lies.

Took a long walk in the woods yesterday. Visited a site where #3 son and I built a campfire near the creek during a light snow on a cold day. He was 7 at the time and remembers it well. He is a LEO now in a big city and is soon to break that 30 mark. He has changed (only older and bigger), I have changed (only older), the world has changed (gone to h*ll in a hand basket) but that circle of rocks by the creek remains the same. He will visit it this fall with his child. Hopefully during a light snow.

That big woods is a place of respite for us in this world of woe.

Hard times for us all presently (you too) and harder times ahead.

Gird Thyself.

Ephesians 6:12


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