How much ammo?

by Big Six, Monday, September 21, 2015, 11:17 (3291 days ago) @ Harry O-1

Good thinking on stocking up prior to election of the Obomination.

Back in 1967 I had little money for anything but gasoline (28 cents/gal) for getting to school but I was able to hustle more than I am now.

When GCA 1968 was passed (unconstitutionally BTW) ammo had to be "signed for" locally and nationwide as I recall. Consequently I "hustled" (worked overtime) to acquire money to stock up as I resented the unconstitutional infringement on my ammo purchasing abilities as well as my firearm purchasing abilities.

At that time little country stores were everywhere here in the sticks and all of them sold ammo. I bought (hoarded) all available within commuting distance.

During those long years that followed before the McClure Volkmer Act (I think that was its name) I never bought a single round of "signed for" ammo.

I had plenty for my needs until things loosened up.

I didn't consider it hoarding any more than cutting extra firewood in anticipation of a bad winter.

BTW winter is coming on hard so stock up.

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