The so-called JOURNALISTS of today -- electronic and print

by John Meeker @, NW Ohio, Tuesday, September 15, 2015, 09:28 (3297 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

are a pitiful lot, when it comes to their understanding of culture and history. There are some few good'uns locally -- here'n there. But National Level Suckage, is for the most part, Im-Proper-Gander Squealings for the Left. We are fortunate in NW Ohio to have some real Aces, that still persist in American Values. There must be more of then in other locales, but at the Nat'l Level, watching the News Interpretation of events is a more noxious event than cleaning out the old outhouse pit.

[Yes, I have done that. My hometown of 750 farming souls still had functioning outhouses until I was in High School. Then some idiot County Schlub decreed them to be shut down. We had real plumbing, but when y'r dirty and and muddy and sweating and in boots, ithe auld building beat getting into the house past a woman wwho had just scrubbed the Kitchen floor!]

Anywayz, Happy Monday Morn. My joints are lube'd with enough coffee and meds to head out to Ye Auld House Renovation -- the choice today is finish painting the front wall, or set up to re-rust proof the tin roof. The chessies told me boh are a bad choice, and why aren't we on a River some wheres? Soon as it too cold to paint, my canine friends, we'll "be gone!"

The Best of the Best Season to Y'all, and may it bring a Good Harvest.

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