We have a river bottom, that runs from Ft Wayne, IN

by John Meeker, NW Ohio, Wednesday, July 29, 2015, 08:07 (3345 days ago) @ Otony

to Toledo, Ohio and Lake Erie. Right down the block, is the edge of the long river parklands. As nice a river road as any beast would like. A few years ago, fishing off an islands a buddy and i watched [No!! They don't Exist here -- way out of territory!!!] a big American River Otter sun it's self on a limestone ledge, next to the Maumee river. Eventually, it headed out way, until just a few yards away from the very quiet humans. Then---otter fast outa there.

Fish and Game, college biologists etc, said it couldn't be. HAH!! Wonderful to have seen 'in habitat'

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