OT -- 2nd Story Security Cam & a Phantom Bear ---

by John Meeker, Tuesday, July 28, 2015, 10:26 (3346 days ago)

From the Wilds of NW Ohio......OK.....this verges on Twilight Zone. When i'm having a restless night, I use an upstair guest BR,and Martha stays in the main one, downstairs. Last night at three in the morning an Alarm Chessie woke me up, seriously concerned. Tackled her to save the screen and clamped down on muzzle, so's to I could "WTF" the doin's.

What I HEARD was the sound of large non-retractile claws on the street pavement, and a definite ursine grumble-monolog. Being cob-webby in the head, I double check and sure enough, I am awake and not under the influence of any nighttime stuff. There is a row pf shade trees along that side of the house, so I couldn't see the street. The huff-rumbles and claws proceed to the intersection, and before it hits any clear view, they apparently go down another side street. Weeellll...damn howdy. Maybe, I won't need the slug/buckshot loaded 12, that lives under my side of the bed. Everything is quieted down, the dog is just muttering curses now, I and spent the previous day scraping paint on ladders -- as long as I hear no more, I'm back to sleep, and so in Ms Erynn.

So, at breakfast this morning, i rember the biz, and ask Martha Anne if anything woke her up last night -- AND -- damn-if she didn't describe the same sequence of sounds and events, with Queen Macha chiming in.. We both gave each other a look, and sat there a while. Had casually planned to go out and look some signs in the blacktop, or grass-strip. NADA..also called town Policew -- NADA.

So Gents....I share with you, what may be mass senility, something we both ate for supper, or Rod Serling may have moved in next door. Any further occurrences will be shared -- which is now the point of this assemblage of alphabet parts.

We want to buy a Sec CAm, for installation on the 2nd story corner that 'covers' the four-way intersection, at our corner lot. Motion activated? Cabled to inside ? and ETC. Another benefit is this: since we moved here, the increase in after-bedtime, nocturnal human traffic has gone waaay up. A good part of it is NOT local kids of summer vacation. A pistol was stolen from a vehicle two doors down from us, etc. That wouldn't be surprise that the perps looked in other cars, eh? Advice for Device, is solicited.

Well, TIA for having read this far. My mobility muscles have informed that I'm cleared for the day's labor -- scraping and painting a two story house we own, be fore Fall, please. May the Powder Smoke be with you.

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