The biggest absurdity for me

by BC, IA, Sunday, May 31, 2015, 13:03 (3404 days ago) @ JLF

is how the Deaf Smith character appears at multiple locations from scene to scene, including stopping at home for a quickie with his wife and a bit of gardening, all while rescuing orphans and stray dogs.

The dialog is worse than awful. Somehow I just knew that someone was going to exclaim "when you cut off the head of the snake, the body dies". I just didn't realize how quickly they would shoot that silver bullet.

The two dopey Junior Rangers were possibly the worst characters of the bunch. Their inclusion smacked of rotten cheese.

I kept comparing it to the silly/ridiculous Made For TV westerns and mini-series of the mid-70s to mid-80s. In truth, if that is what the network and producers were going for, they nailed it. They just need more feathered hair styles and muzak.

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