
by JLF @, Sunday, May 31, 2015, 10:54 (3404 days ago) @ Drago

Just bloody awful, so awful that I don't even know where to start. The Texas revolution was fought east of I-35, in rolling green farm and pastureland, interspersed with areas of dense forest. There was no "cowboy" desert, with vast cliffs and scenic views, only in the minds of Hollywood screenwriters. I kept expecting the Apaches to attack.

The Alamo had exactly *two* Black people, a volunteer's concubine, who was killed in the fighting, and W.B. Travis' personal slave, who Santa Ana spared to demonstrate his racial liberalism. Emily West, if she even did exist, was never anywhere near the Alamo, and had nothing to do with Houston, or the army.

Deaf Smith had *nothing* to do with the Texas Rangers, nothing of which even remotely existed until well after the Republic was formed. The thinking behind the Rangers, and their name, was of English origins, not Mexican.

That's just the high points. I've watched two episodes, but I fear the battle of San Jacinto may put my little TV in too much danger. No doubt it will be fought in the desert among towering cliffs, with Sterling Haden hoping the US calvary shows up in time to save them from the Apaches...


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