I love my 22-250...

by Brian A, Friday, May 15, 2015, 09:42 (3420 days ago) @ Hoot

It is a Browning B-78 and is absolute death on varmints. I have never seen anything die so quickly as a coyote hit with that 45 gr pill. My rifle has gone over 2 dozen straight, one-shot, instant kills on 'yotes so far. They drop instantly and never even flinch, just like someone flipped off a light switch. Hit one trotting along at a neasured 260 yards and it just piled up on it's nose and never moved again. Mine definitely prefers bullets weighing less than 50 grains and I wish it had a faster twist to take advantage of heavier pills, but who can argue with success? I used the 40 round, value pack Winchesters with the 45 gr JHP and get complete pass through about half the time on 'yotes.

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