So, talk me into, or out of, a .22-250...

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Friday, May 15, 2015, 07:31 (3420 days ago)

I have a soft spot in my heart for Mausers and have been long fascinated by, but never owned, the "mini-Mausers" such as the Rem 799's, Chas. Daley's, etc. I currently have lust in my heart for a dark-stocked Zastava M85 in .22-250. They are a bit crude on the woodwork but what a neat package!

Not much of a varmint hunter (but willing to change) so, at least initially, it'd be a target shooting/plinking rig. The 1:14 twist seems to function best with up to 55gr least, according to the 'net commandos. That's fine as there are some on the shelf to feed the 'Triple Deuce'. Also, a feller could feed it some lighter fodder and go for speed but, again, a target won't much care if it's 3,000 or 4,000fps.

Any words of encouragement or disdain?


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