HOT foot close call......

by Gunner @, St Louis, Monday, March 16, 2015, 20:11 (3480 days ago)

I ground more knife blanks on Saturday to add to the two neckers I did last weekend..


So on Sunday I get out the forge and fired it up to do the heat treating on them.

I gotta say it impresses me every time I use it, the amount heat and flame it puts out, even set down to 5 psi on the propane tank valve is scary.

You know what is scarier?????? Squatting down in front of the forge and dropping a 1500 degree knife blank between your feet!!!!!! That will get the blood pumping mighty fast. After jumping up and away from the bouncing blank I realized metal, when very hot, bends very easy :-(

Yep, you guessed it, I look down to see the last 1/2 inch of the blank bent at the tip, that keep the blood pressure up. Now I go into over drive trying to get the hot blank off the floor, grab a sledge hammer and whack the tip trying to straighten it out. That didn't work well at all so I run over and grab the small anvil, drag it over to the forge, reheat the blank a little and pound on it. Not perfect but real close, which leads to another problem, while beating on the end of the blank I am ruining the ground bevel line on that side of the blank :-( :-(

Hopefully I can fix it with a little touch up on belt grinder this weekend, it is a shame, it was probably the best ground blank I have done so far. The plunge lines from both sides matched up almost 100% at the bottom. Here is a pic before all the excitement happened....



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