Glen, as I understand...

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Friday, February 20, 2015, 20:42 (3504 days ago) @ Glen

the first incarnation of the Newton rifle company was the Newton Arms Company in the ca. 1914-15-16 time-frame. That model is generally referred to as the "1916 Newton" or derivations of that. The second go-round was in 1923-24. Those rifles are referred to as either '1924 Newtons' or 'Buffalo Newtons'. It was this same time period in which Meeker absconded with parts for an unconfirmed number of rifles (200-260 have been cited) and produced the 'Meeker Rifle, Model of 1925'. Buffalo/1924 Newtons are considered to be inferior to the 1916 models.

So, long way of saying 'Yeah, pretty much'. ;-)

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