A Newton? Well, yes and no.

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Thursday, February 19, 2015, 11:30 (3505 days ago) @ Glen

The year was 1923. Charles Newton's rifle company, which had failed financially in 1918, had found new financial backing and was gearing up to reopen. One of the group of financiers, John Meeker (of course, not our John Meeker) made off with parts for approximately 260 rifles and manufactured them under his own name in New Jersey. This effort ended with a law suit by Newton.

The caliber is .256 Newton. I have read that Meeker sold his rifles with the calibers named ".256 Meeker", ".30 Meeker" etc. but that they are dimensionally identical to the Newtons. Mine is marked only "256" very lightly under the maker's mark.

The rifle is not as refined as the 1916 Newtons. The stock is a bit "clubbier" and the checkering more of a suggestion than anything aggressive.

The action design is, as far as I know, identical to the 1924 Newtons but mine has a straight, swept bolt handle whereas the 1924's have a dog-leg similar to the Model of 1917.

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