OK, I'll make this easy and reasonable - .357's for books-

by John Meeker @, United States, Thursday, December 18, 2014, 13:11 (3568 days ago) @ Who....me...??

henh-henh-heh.....actually, tho', their are some armory niches that need to be filled. A .45 Colt lever might work. Assorted revolving things might work -- among then a 4" bbl'd .357 DA. And -- lessee - it is Christmas - tho' this biz is is co-incidental. No lumps of coal, tho. I already hag collected a cellar full of that, over the years. Won't be sad to leave it behind, neither. Sooo..no off to the gloves, hoodie, and face mask -- while I run insulation up down the underside/inside of the attic roof. Interesting, too, It is beamed with irregularly dimensioned and unequally spaced sawmill beams of native lumber. Hard as a frichin' rock. Knock you cold as wedge if you forget that. Plus, you cant staple both edges on the wide ones to I have to use wire stringers crosswise. thinking about chicken wire, if that sags roo much. Yeah --ROOOOOOOO! G'day to ya all, and HappyPreparations..Be sure those MILsurp 81MM mortars are cleaned and ready to go for the new years firework star bursts. Seee...in this bunch, that would be appreciatted and just thought top a reasonable patriotic display.

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