Non-shooter supposistions, ..... BEEG pitfall..

by John Meeker @, United States, Saturday, November 29, 2014, 18:42 (3587 days ago) @ MR

Actually one of the hardest parts of providing practical info, and attempts at training. I am not a 'moose man', so can't comment of the reality of repelling half-tom palmate-shoveled critters. Should someone without ANY gun knowledge ask me about 'self-defense "I wanna get a gun", I attempt to guide then to the biggest baddest 'spray' available, for the short term. For a longer-term goal I refer them to trainers who will teach them about employing the appropriate means and equipment and TRAINING. As much as most of us, i have dispensed detailed and inclusive advice to 'late bloomers'. At this point. I prefer that they pay for the info, have value invested in the training, and are a bit more likely to heed the lessons. Call me an old grumpy guy and i will agree: advice giving and even basic training/tactics has sunk home with a few folks. But...I'm tired of trying to totally re-educate some adult -- who has finally realized that "no one' is going to 'be there' when they most need protection -- unless they are willing to put at least time into as learning to drive and getting a license. Car keys without training are a talisman at best, and can have much worse outcomes when used ignorantly.

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