Moose Repelant

by Art @, Littleton, Colorado, Thursday, November 27, 2014, 20:36 (3589 days ago)

Have a friend who is an Orthopedic Surgeon. Not a gun guy. He has a place up in South Park in the Colorado Mountains. This place latley is crawling with moose. A women has been stomped by one. He spends time up there with his grand children and has asked me what kind of handgun should he carry to protect them. I do not believe that he will spend the time to become proficient with a fire arm. I am thinking that the best for him would be a bear spray that he could carry on his belt. However, I have never read or heard if this would be effective aganist a moose.

Would bear spray work on a moose?

If he really wants to get involved with firearms I have voluntered to help him with the purchase and use but I do not think he has thought this through and his only exposure to firearms is the movies. I think if he started and found out about the recoil from a heavy revolver and the practice involved would be too much.



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