Thats pretty good accuracy...

by rob @, Saturday, November 22, 2014, 11:21 (3595 days ago) @ Sarge

I'm not knocking the round at all, just not convinced there's any magic in going to a small rifle primer in gaining (what the article said was) another 6,000 psi. At the same time I'm not sure I'd just load me up some +P+ ACP's to those velocity levels either in a stock gun to test my theory either. I might consider it in a Glock or 1911 with a stiffer recoil spring and a barrel with a fully supported chamber. But, rather than deal with changing points of impact going from the SMC round to standard ammo and such, I think I'd rather just buy a 10mm (definitely more powerful, especially with genuine full power factory or handloads) or just leave my ACP an ACP and use a .44 Magnum for anything else where I wanted more power. You can hit the SMC 230 grain and 255 SWC velocities in a .44 mag with 9 grains of unique or less without beating the gun up.

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