Oak Ridge...

by pokynojoe, Friday, November 21, 2014, 11:01 (3596 days ago) @ stonewalrus

Ever since that 80 year old nun snuck into Y-12 a couple years ago, you can't get anywhere near that place. I drew a tag for Tower Shielding over there and was bow hunting several weeks ago. There were more tactical types running around with serious ordinance than hunters.

Just as an aside, I killed a nice 8 point on the reservation there about six years ago. When you draw a tag, if you kill one you have to check it out with the complex. They check your deer for radiation, and if it's too high, you don't get to take it home. I checked my deer in, and never saw it again. That was the only deer I ever killed there.

I'm a little conflicted about hunting there anymore.

It seems there's a protest over there every month. The local news stations don't even bother to cover it anymore.

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