Ferguson, MO fallout

by stonewalrus, Thursday, November 20, 2014, 19:17 (3596 days ago) @ stonewalrus

Y-12 targeted as protest site tied to Ferguson fallout
Frank Munger
5:21 PM, Nov 20, 2014
3 hours ago
local news

The Y-12 nuclear weapons plant is on a security alert after the Oak Ridge plant was listed as one of dozens of sites around the United States that may be the scene of protests following a grand jury decision in the case of the Aug. 9 fatal shooting in Ferguson, Mo.

According to the Tumblr website for the “Ferguson National Response Network,” a protest would occur at Y-12 at 7 p.m. on the day that the grand jury decision is announced. The decision, according to CNN, could come as early as Friday.

The John J. Duncan Federal Building in downtown Knoxville is also listed as a protest site the day after the announcement.

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