So...I got me these bullets...

by pokynojoe, Thursday, November 20, 2014, 14:01 (3597 days ago)

I'm not sure, but I think I got them from AaronB (I believe that was his moniker)and I don't have anything to shoot them. I was cleaning out the garage and found them. It says on the box "250 gr.....44 caliber." Don't know what mold they were made from, don't know how many, and sure ain't going to count them, but the box weighs in the neighborhood of 8 lbs. give or take. So, let's see, that's 7000 times 8 divide by 250, allow for tare weight...hmm...about 220.

Anyway, if anyone wants to fool with them, all I want is what it costs to send them, if it isn't too much trouble.




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