The grown-ups BB gun...inspirational makeover, too.....

by John Meeker @, United States, Sunday, November 02, 2014, 09:44 (3615 days ago) @ Byron

Sorta funny, but I keep that shorty levergun handy in the shop -- unloaded -- and always double checked for "empty' - as my fave snap and shoot dry fire gun. Well lubed since Mr Aveni sent it my way, and getting smoother all the time. Definitely thinking about 'sights', but the bead picks up fine enough for minute of an 'OWIE!!" use, for now.. Receiver sight and post/bead well worth installing. .38 Specs do just fine. I could see this as wintertime indoor basement gallery gun with a wadcutter and 'poof' load.

Yup, anyway, do concur with the assembled about it's handi-neato factor.

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