It is supposed to be a good coating

by bj @, Wednesday, October 29, 2014, 21:50 (3618 days ago) @ JLF

but then I know a lot of people that remove the stuff with hardware store paint remover. And yes it will wear off pretty quickly if you cut rough materials with it. Also the fancy coating that Benchmade uses comes off pretty easily, but the coating that Spyderco uses is pretty durable.

It is popular among knife enthusiasts to buy that type of knife, and the similar Beckers, remove the coating, and then customize the blades themselves. Some people like to put various patinas and patina patterns on the blades, others use fine sandpaper to put a satin finish on them.

This is a photo of my Becker with the coating removed, before I darkened it with cold bluing:

Here is a photo of my Cold Steel GI Tanto with its coating removed. The previous owner did the removal on this one and did a little bit of sanding:

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