A Word to the Wise.

by JLF @, Tuesday, October 28, 2014, 21:46 (3619 days ago)

So...You're admiring your new $20 Cold Steel Bowie Machete. It *is* a very impressive knife, and a heck of a bargain. But when you take the big label off the blade, it leaves an ugly glue residue behind. No problemo, Berryman B-12 is the best glue remover on the planet. Oops... As it turns out, it's also very good at removing the purdy black stuff the blade is coated with. No biggie, this is a working knife, and something now tells me that a few months hard labor, and there won't be much purdy black stuff left. But if you want your bowie to stay purdy longer, don't get any ideas about Berryman.


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