
by Paul ⌂, Friday, October 17, 2014, 21:36 (3630 days ago) @ cubrock
edited by Paul, Friday, October 17, 2014, 21:50

How many folks flipping burgers at MickeyD's in the good ol' U.S. of A. would be willing to save up 8 months wages in order to pick up a rifle or pistol? Shucks, how many folks earning four times the money would be willing to pay 8 months' minimum wage for a rifle or pistol?

It is an outright LEGAL gun ban by pricing them out of the reach of the common man. Yesterday I had a conversation with some well to do folk here. They were grousing about all the poor folk putting around on 100-125 cc motorcycles. They simply could not recognize that it's a direct result of the mass transit policy of charging nearly a dollar a ride. If you've got to catch four buses a day you'll end up paying more than it would cost to buy a chinese motorcycle over 3 years or so. I've done the math with different folks over the years. One can buy a motorcycle on payments, buy fuel, oil, tires, SOAT (hospital insurance that all motor vehicles down here have to pay) and kick money into the kitty for repairs as well - and come out much better since after three years you've still got the bike while if you ride the bus you're still paying the same ridiculous price (actually even MORE as it goes up yearly) per ride. AND you're also able to go more places and do more things since they run so far on a gallon of (highly over priced) gasoline.

BUT, it's "for the good of the people" and the socialists know best. The ruling class keep the lower classes in their place by controlling what they can buy, where they can live and most other aspects of their lives via price controls. Did I mention how much I detest socialism and everything that goes with it?

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