Gun control by pricing

by Paul ⌂, Friday, October 17, 2014, 21:19 (3630 days ago) @ cubrock

For comparison, the price of the pistol sans ammunition or cleaning kit is roughly 8.3 MONTHLY salaries (minimum wage), and that's only the first hurdle. If one comes up with the money, then one ALSO has to prove "need". What does a poor factory worker in a rough neighborhood NEED a firearm for, anyway? Yours truly has been fortunate in that his nationality works for him since his native land foots a good part of the national defense budget AND it is recognized that his being from that land is a big risk factor to his continued well being in this area. It STILL doesn't get him off the hook from having to kowtow to every stupid suspension of carry rights due to some local official's whim or a visit from the Commander in Chief. But at least (so far) renewals have been routine. One reason the yearly membership fee for the hunting shooting federation is paid is that it helps "prove need", and should come in handy for obtaining a scattergun if ever one comes available that is transferable and the owner is able and willing to make the journey to the nation's capitol to do the paperwork. There is speculation that they WILL be available internationally, albeit at a far more reasonable cost than they are offered to the citizens of the nation that produces them. Oh, and down here? They are ALL "national property", subject to the whim of those in power as to if they will continue to be allowed to be in the possession of those who DO come up with the megabucks to obtain them. No wonder there's a thriving black market in things that go BANG. Trying to fulfill the myriad rules, regulations and Army officer whims is a royal pain in the rear, most folks still prefer to run the risk of 9-12 years in the pen if caught carrying an unregistered firearm instead of anteing up the required pile of cash to attempt to obtain one through official channels.

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