For the sake of conversation: PMR30 vs Glock 17

by Byron, Tuesday, September 30, 2014, 08:37 (3648 days ago)

It would appear that the board has come around to the reality that in short barrel (2") revolvers there is no true advantage to the .22 WRM over the .22 LR. While some of the Magnum ammunition will deliver a little additional velocity over the same weight bullets from a .22 LR, one must admit that a 40 bullet at an extra 100 fps is no real big improvement. It is also clear that from 2" barrel autoloaders the .22 LR will often beat the Magnum from a 2" revolver. As barrels get longer the Magnum starts to work and once it gets into a rifle it is such a excellent performer that is is often the caliber of choice for shooting deer under some circumstances (if you know what I mean).

So then, if one is tasked with choosing a handgun to fill that need for a general purpose sidearm for "field" use, would one choose a PMR30 or a G17?

While the KelTec is light as a feather it is about the same size as the Glock and while the G17 is heavier it is still a lightweight pistol. Both are corrosion resistant as they could possible be and still be make out of steel. They are priced about the same. I think a non-issue.

The PMR holds 28-30 rounds vs the G17s 18 rounds which should be plenty and extended mags are readily available if thats not enough. Another non-issue.

Accuracy is probably equal between pistols and both are fitted with good sights and are both easy to shoot well. A good pistol shot should be able to hit targets equally well. Non-issue.

This then comes down to the round: 9mm vs .22 WRM. The 9mm is readily available in a much broader spectrum of ammo than the .22 ranging from generic ball priced less than the .22 WRM all the way up to near three five seven power. There is no comparison between the two in versatility. The Magnum is very loud from a pistol and while I have no actual data it seems to me to be more harsh to shoot than the 9mm. While the 9mm does have more recoil than the .22 it is still insignificant and no one who has shot a G17 thinks it has much recoil. For those who desire the 9mm can of course be reloaded. While the artificial but dramatic shortage of rimfire ammo has the shelves at the local Cabelas empty of the WRM there is all the 9mm that one could want.

I think the PMR is a cool little pistol and would like to have one if it was priced right but personally would prefer it in .22 LR instead to the WRM.

I see no situation where the WRM would have any advantage over the 9mm in a pistol (actually even in a carbine as well).

Given the choice between the two I'd pick the Glock in 9mm and never look back.


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