Still looking at Washington state for a move.

by jgt, Saturday, August 09, 2014, 09:17 (3700 days ago) @ Andrew

I lived on the east side at the tri-cities for a number of years, and on the west side a number of years. Both had their good points.

West side rained nine months of the year steady, the other three, only when you wanted to do something like camping. Fishing was fantastic in both fresh and salt water. Has many beautiful rivers and the PACIFIC OCEAN. You can dig clams on the beaches. Hunting was great, if you don't mind hunting in the rain. Beautiful forests and stinky mills. At 80 degrees folks go inside and turn on the AC. Lots of christmas tree farms, dairy farms, many mountains, national forest, lumber company land tracts. Near big cities for shopping.

East side had more camping, some good fishing on the Columbia and Snake rivers. Close to Spokane for shopping. Blue Mountains, Hell's canyon and wilderness areas for adventure. Good dove,Pheasant, chucker, partridge, duck and goose hunting. Rock chucks for varmint shooting. Near to the valley of the Jolly Green Giant, wheat, corn, asparagus, and alfalfa fields. Also apple, peach, apricot, and cherry orchards. Lots of vineyards. This is four wheel drive, jeep, and horse country. Can get hot. 106 to 112 degrees("but it's a dry heat":-D ) is normal at the highth of summer.

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