Insurance covers all?

by Otony, Thursday, July 31, 2014, 18:53 (3709 days ago) @ Wildcat

"But attorney John Borger, who represented Kyle in her capacity as executor of Chris Kyle’s estate, said Tuesday that insurance won’t cover everything. He said it will cover the $500,000 awarded for defamation, but not the $1.3 million for unjust enrichment.

“All of that comes directly from money that Taya and Chris received from royalties or whatever assets the estate may have,” he said.
Borger also asserted that under the law, the $1.3 million part of the jury’s award is only advisory and the final determination will be up to U.S. District Judge Richard Kyle, no relation to the author. He also said they will be considering all their legal options “in the days and week to come,” including a possible appeal."


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