No dog in the fight.....

by Byron, Thursday, July 31, 2014, 10:31 (3709 days ago) @ Otony

Still the whole deal is fishy.

During the trial it became clear that Chris's veracity regarding this situation was clearly lacking.

Prior to being killed he admitted that some of his statements about "Scruff Face" were exaggerations or even untrue.

Prior to the suit Jesse indicated he would be happy with a retraction and apology but Chris refused so Jesse proceeded with the lawsuit. At the time it was considered to be showboating and without a chance of success...what jury would find in favor of a blowhard washed out politician over a handsome, charismatic real deal war hero.

In the end the jury believed Jesse's eye witness's and evidence more than they believed Chris's and found for Jesse.

The settlement will not come out of the widow's bank account but instead will be payed by the publisher and liability insurance. The question remains if Jesse will even attempt to collect the settlement however all the lawyers will get paid one way or another.

The issue that troubles me is that while I feel that Jesse was within his rights to go after Chris, the family should have been considered completely off limits.

The final result is everyone knows that Chris lied and Jesse is a jerk.


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