Make sure to wear sturdy gloves if you face off....

by Byron, Thursday, July 24, 2014, 13:37 (3716 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

With someone in the dark.

Lights are bullet magnets.

The mind focuses on the light and the gun and you will get shot in the hands alot, at least that is what we have observed when shooting at each other in low light with airsoft.

While I have heard that training "less lethal" is not "realistic" you have to admit that it has "some" value and that one that does train "less lethal" will have "some" advantage over someone who has not.

The JRTC at Ft. Polk has trained hundreds of thousands of grunts to a level where they are efficient and deadly Marines and soldiers and nobody has been killed (with the exception of confusing a SAW mag of 5.56 ball for one of blanks). Most SWAT and HRT teams train with simunition systems to similarly deadly results and no one is killed during this training.

To those that say training "less lethal" is "playing at gunfighting" and leads to taking unrealistic risks that one would not take with the real deal, one must simply observe that they are cheating and not paying attention to the purpose of the training.

Next time someone in class turns into a Simunition Samurai, make them take off all protective gear with the exception of safety glasses. No shirt, no gloves, no mask, no vest, no balaclava, no nothing. Then get back to school and see how comfortable they are at soaking up all those little old paint balls at close range. Nice.

The light should be as far away from your body as your arms with reach.

The laser is very effective at intimidating one you have the drop on. They tell me that real bad guys settle right down when the beam floats around on their chest.


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