Noticed Jeff and Boge's re-port on the new Marlins;;;;;;

by John Meeker @, United States, Thursday, July 17, 2014, 07:30 (3723 days ago)

Pretty sure everyone has their own idea of a "hot' new Marlin product. Personally, I am currently adequately 1894'd. As well, SS Rossi/Puma is on the back burner until I fill a couple of other 'holes'. A few recent articles on the lever-action as a traveling gun, or family gun. pretty much are informing folks of it's versatility.

How'emsoever -- "What if" Marlin turned out a 16 1/2" SS 1894? Not just turned out, but designed for the Rugged Gun market? What would that mean to the mfg? First of all, a bead-blast/ matte finish is fine. Secondly: a brown 'non-tonking" synthetic stock, perhaps with ammo or cleaning kit capability, with good swivel mounts, that maybe 'swiveled' Thirdly: some sort of sturdy, fold-down Express sight, with an equally rugged front bead -- look at the after market stuff for inspiration. Not crudely done, all this, but also designed to cost-save and hit an apparently 'hot niche'

Just off the top o'me head -- no blinding flash of inspiration. Just thinking of a domestic, quality version of the assorted custom & SS 92's out there.

Off to a job, but given the gathered gun-i-ness here, a 'build your own 94/336' suggestions' strin
g of inspirations, might filter it's way up the marketing chain.

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