It is amazing...

by Murphy @, Saturday, June 14, 2014, 13:00 (3757 days ago) @ Charles

Long ago, I scoffed when I read these words in an old magazine article.

"All a fella needs in the way of self defense handguns, are a good 1911 and a 5 shot .38 Special S&W J frame".

Of course he forgot a good .22 LR for squirrles and such.

Had I heeded those words long ago, no telling how many 1,000's of dollars I would have saved over the decades. But all in all, I can't say I've regretted owning/swappin'/selling all the guns I've owned at some point in time.

And of course there is the need vs 'want' argument. I need's my truck gun, my woods stompin' gun, my creek gun (don't care if I do fall outta the boat wearing this one, thats why I bought it, never mind I ain't been in a boat in decades).

Hoot is right. Hang around here long enough, and someone will help you finally justify why you really do need that mini 5 shot .22 Short. Or, yep...gotta have me one of them S&W 500 Mangle Em's.

Hey, there are worse addictions right? I mean look at golf, a perfect waist of land that would have made an awesome gun range.


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