It is amazing...

by Charles, Saturday, June 14, 2014, 16:32 (3757 days ago) @ Murphy

In the late 70's, I spent four years in South America. I sold all my handguns except two, A PPK (380) I left with a friend and a Colt 22 Huntsman I took with me. I sold the Colt down here.

I had lots of time to contemplate what I needed, not wanted in hanguns. Upon my return to the states, I made a bee line for Carter Country in Houston and bought a stainless steel Smith and Wesson 22 Kit Gun. Six months later I bought a 6" Model 28 Smith and Wesson. Really and truly, those two were all I ever needed.

But the Gottohaveit bug got his stinger in my and the collection expanded until the fever broke.

Today I shoot most 38 Specials, 45 ACP with a smattering of 45 Colt loads thrown in. Oh yes, and some 22 LRS, when they can be found.

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